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Writer's pictureJP Ceark

How to make progress through stagnation

Updated: Nov 22, 2020

Every so often life can stagnate. When it does, we book a holiday but in these times we can’t. When it’s a lingering stagnation, action needs to be taken. Though big changes can take months even years to manifest. It first takes baby steps to realise the biggest step is achievable. Small actions leading to phenomenal life over-hauls regardless of what is going on in the outside world, there is always a way to progress.

Challenge 1) Sign up

Over the past few months I’ve signed up to as many free webinars as possible. To begin with I was very sceptical about how informative they would be but actually it’s been engrossing. I’ve also been working through courses on Knowledge is power as they say.

Challenge 2) Start your financial diary

Write out your outgoings and incomings. How much you spend should reflect what is worthwhile. If you are cursing yourself on spending your money on frivolous things such as clothes, shoes, bags or all of the above. Think about instead of experiences or saving for other investments for your future be more cautious and take action.

Challenge 3) Muse for a day

Ponder a bit longer no phone, no TV, no books, no radio. Just you and your thoughts terrifying. This is best done outside where the temptation of Wi-Fi cannot reach you. Reflecting on where you are in life and where you want to be is a good way to start the process to realising why you feel your life has become stagnated or how you see yourself in months to come.

Challenge 4) Delete your past

If you are carrying around baggage - drop it now. Facebook, Instagram, old numbers in your phone. You should only hold the friends and family that you keep in contact with and that you want to stay in contact with. People you knew from the past that you now resent seeing online should be deleted. Free yourself from looking back and concentrate towards the future you envision.

Want more to read? Try my novels

Walk once more the red brick corridors of Henry VIII palaces. Witness a middle-aged diplomat gamble for greater influence.

This is the story of Thomas Boleyn, his cunning and cruelty, his rise and fall.

Discover the key players behind England’s most famous headless Queen.

Catherine is being crowned Empress but many remember the small lost girl, in the glamorous court of St. Petersburg, filled with pomp and perfume, silk and scandal. How did the Prussian Princess overthrow her husband and persuade her most powerful enemy to aid her rise to ultimate power?

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